Barrow-in-Furness: a town forged in fire and steel, where towering ships rise from the docks and the air hums with industry. But did you know that nestled amongst the shipyards and steelworks, a different kind of factory once thrived?
Step back in time to 1948. The clatter of shipyard hammers mingled with the rhythmic chug of steam trains at Roose Station. But a new sound was emerging – the whirring of looms and the gentle clatter of shuttles. Lister’s woollen mill had arrived, a beacon of modernity in a landscape dominated by heavy industry. This gleaming new factory, a hefty investment at £380,000 (a staggering £10 million in today’s money!), promised to weave a new thread into Barrow’s post-war story.
Imagine the scene: rows of women, their nimble fingers guiding yarn through intricate machinery, the air thick with the comforting scent of wool. The factory hummed with activity, operating double shifts to meet demand. For many Barrow lasses, Lister’s offered a new
opportunity, a chance to contribute to the town’s prosperity in a different way.
But like a delicate thread, Lister’s story was not destined to last. The winds of change swept through the British textile industry in the late 20th century. Cheap imports flooded the market, and the once-booming factory faced an uphill battle. Despite a brief resurgence fuelled by
the quirky popularity of cartoon-themed rugs (imagine Bugs Bunny gracing a living room floor!), the looms eventually fell silent in December 1990.
Today, the factory buildings are gone, replaced by rows of houses. But the legacy of Lister’s lives on, a testament to Barrow’s resilience and adaptability. It’s a reminder that even in the heart of heavy industry, there’s room for other stories, other skills, other threads in the
tapestry of a town.
So next time you find yourself in Barrow, gazing at the impressive ships or exploring the fascinating Dock Museum, take a moment to remember the women who worked at Lister’s, their hands weaving a different kind of history into this industrial powerhouse.