Ever heard of a place that went from moo-ing cows to clanging factories practically overnight? That’s the fascinating story of Askam in Furness! Our journey begins in the 1700s with Ireleth, Askam’s peaceful older sibling. Imagine the sun glinting off the Duddon Estuary, its waters reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky. Rolling green hills, dotted with grazing sheep and speckled with wildflowers, surrounded the village. Quaint farmhouses, with smoke curling from their chimneys and gardens bursting with colourful blooms, completed the picture of rural tranquillity. This idyllic existence, with farmers tending their land and villagers gathering at the local pub as the sun dipped below the horizon, laid the groundwork for the Askam we know today. #AskamInFurness #Cumbria #VillageLife #HiddenHistory
But beneath the surface…
… lay rich deposits of iron ore, just waiting to be unearthed! This discovery in 1850 sparked a dramatic transformation, turning Askam into a bustling industrial hub. The Furness Railway arrived in 1851, bringing with it an influx of workers eager to find their fortune and the means
to transport the valuable ore to fuel the growing industries of the nation. By 1896, over 500 miners were employed in Askam, and the village was a hive of activity with ironworks, brickworks, and a whole community built around supporting this new industry. The once peaceful air now carried the scent of coal smoke and the rhythmic clang of machinery, a stark contrast to the gentle sounds of nature that once dominated the landscape.
From Rural Retreat to Industrial Powerhouse
Askam’s story is a testament to the dramatic changes that can occur in a place over time. It’s a reminder that even the most peaceful of beginnings can give way to unexpected growth and development, sometimes leaving the landscape and the lives of its people forever altered.
#AskamInFurness #Cumbria #IndustrialRevolution #IronMining #FurnessRailway #UKHistory
A huge thank you to Cumbria Archives for providing the captivating photos used in this blog post and for their dedication to preserving Cumbria’s heritage. With their kind permission, these images help bring the story of Askam to life. Image courtesy of Cumbria Archives #CumbriaArchivesPhotos #CumbriaHistory